Monday 18 March 2013

So my English work was to write an entry for a blog about what you love... WELL.
When I get home from a long, stressful and somewhat painful day of school I like to sit by my radiator, with a cup of tea and a good book, and be able to read for an hour or so. Now, reading has always been my 'thing', and I find it a pleasure and a comfort that books are always there for me.
But why is reading so amazing, I hear you ask.
I love reading so much as they take me away and they throw and pull me into the story and the plot, dragging me through every war, every crime scene and every mystery. They capture me. I sometimes forget that I am reading and I stop seeing words on paper but a movie, in my head. It doesn't matter what sort of book they are, any book will enthrall me.
So my recent endeavor in the literature world has been Tolkien, and I am so very close to finishing 'The Fellowship Of The Ring' having completed The Hobbit in less than a day. A lot of people said that the plots were hard to follow but I had no such difficulty, as yet again I found myself dragged into the new and bizarre story of middle-earth. When I finish Tolkien's collection I still have a wide range of unread books to choose from as I end up buying a few new books every few days. Only the other day I purchased almost all of George R.R.Martin's 'A Song of Fire and Ice' collection, which I plan on reading after Tolkien. I also ordered Conan Doyle's entire Sherlock Holmes collection, which I have been wanting to get my hands on for quite a while.
I always have something to read.
Nowadays I find myself reading whenever and wherever I can: Everyday when I get home; In cars or buses, no matter the length of the journey; And also in Norwich, when I go up at the weekends on my own, In places such as McDonald's where I end up buying a coffee and reading for a few hours.I find it relaxing.
I find it incredibly annoying, however, that we no longer read at the start of English lessons in school anymore. It is also annoying how the school library has so limited space.But nevertheless I find myself still, reading in the ICT suites with my friends or outside on the benches, school is not an obstacle my reading obsession will stop at.
Writing has also always been an interest to me. But when I compare whatever I write to other peoples work on the internet, I tend to give up and read their works instead. The books I read do not even have to be published and printed and I often find myself reading other peoples work on blogs,AO3 or even .I find it amazing that there are people out there, who are my age, and are able to write pieces of work so...Well written, that they have the same affect on me as published authors: They pull me in.
So in this way, I am also commemorating writers and writing. As well as books. They are the best things to of happened to me, and although others may find them dull and boring, I find them to be treasures that we must cherish.

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